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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

1. Which job is shown in the picture that I have chosen?
The job that is shown in my the picture that I have chosen is a man and a boy sweeping the cotton off the floor.
2. What was the daily work schedule in this job that they had to

They had to be at the mill at about 6:00am to 12:00 then a one hour break and from 1:00 to 6:00 it also depended where you where working.

3. Were their any penalties for not meeting expectations on the job site?

The penalties where most likely a severe beating, and absolutely no pay for the week.

4. What were the physical challenges of work at the mill?

The physical challenges where likely to be the long hours, 12 hours get up very early and stay up quite late, they were probably physically drained and mentally drained.

5. Was this job dangerous? How?

This job was very dangerous, you could get seriously hurt, you could get your fingers cut off. The other danger was that from all the lint floating around it could get packed in your lungs, that would not be good for your health.

6. Do you think it was fair for the children to work in this time period?

No I do not think this is right, children deserve to have a teen hood, they do not deserve to go from child to adult in one day. They should have the luxuries we have now, like watching T.V, hanging out with friends, learning lessons, staying up late.

7. In what country do children work today? Find a picture of the child labour and post it on your blog.

The horrible countries that still make children work are in the far east. Like India, China and a some others.

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